X-Men Cel and Background - ID: octxmen17193

X-Men Cel and Background - ID: octxmen17193 Marvel




Image Size: 
8" x 11.5"
Price: $500.00
SKU: octxmen17193

This is an original cel and background set-up from the Marvel Studios production of the X-Men: The Animated Series episode, Phoenix Saga Part 1: Sacrifice. This setup features a key matching image of Wolverine and Beast preparing to fulfill their dreams of being astronauts,, and was created at the studio and used during production. The overall measurements of the piece are 10.5" x 14" and the image itself measures 8" x 11.5". The piece is in very good condition.

The artwork was published in the book "X-Men: the Art and Making of the Animated Series" and appears on page 153.

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